2011.10 - 2015.10,荷兰格罗宁根大学经济地理系,获博士学位
2016.03 – 2022.04,浙江财经大学经济学院,助理教授,副教授,硕士生导师
2022.04 – 至今 ,广州大学地理科学与遥感学院副教授,硕士生导师
2017年度教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目“基于雾霾条件下的中国健康能源强度指标的测量与影响因素研究” (编号:17YJC790061),8万。
2017年度第62批中国博士后科学基金面上资助项目“我国空气污染与经济协调发展及政策模拟研究” (博士后编号:183100;项目编号:2017M621740),5万。
Lei Jiang, Huazhang Wu, Yang Song. Diversified demand for health tourism matters: From a perspective of the intra-industry trade[J]. Social Science & Medicine, 2021: 114630.
Wei Zhen, Lei Jiang, Quande Qin*. Heterogeneous domestic intermediate input-related carbon emissions in China’s exports. Energy Economics.
Bo Zhang, Shixiong He, Xingyu Chen, Lei Jiang*. Determining the Spatial Distribution of Nursing Homes in China: A Spatial Heterogeneity Analysis. Journal of Housing and the Built Environment.
Bo Zhang, Zhongjie Li, Lei Jiang*. The Intentions to Wear Face Masks and the Differences in Preventive Behaviors between Urban and Rural Areas during COVID-19: An Analysis Based on the Technology Acceptance Model. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.
Shixiong He, Lei Jiang*. Identifying convergence in nitrogen oxides emissions from motor vehicles in China: A spatial panel data approach. Journal of Cleaner Production.
Lei Jiang, Shixiong He, Haifeng Zhou, Hao Kong, Yuanzheng Cui*. Coordination between sulfur dioxide pollution control and rapid economic growth in China: evidence from satellite observations and spatial economic models. Structural Change and Economic Dynamics.
Yun Tong, Haifeng Zhou, Lei Jiang*, Biao He. Investigating the factors underlying participation by the Chinese public in environmental management: an approach based on spatial heterogeneity. Environmental Science and Pollution Research.
Yuanzheng Cui, Lei Wang, Lei Jiang*, Mengyao Liu, Jionghua Wang, Kaifang Shi. Dynamic spatial analysis of NO2 pollution over China: satellite observations and spatial convergence models[J]. Atmospheric Pollution Research, 2021, 12(3): 89-99.
Lei Jiang*, Haifeng Zhou, Shixiong He. Does energy efficiency increase at the expense of output performance: Evidence from manufacturing firms in Jiangsu province, China[J]. Energy, 2021, 220: 119704.
Lei Jiang, Haifeng Zhou, Shixiong He, Yuanzheng Cui*, Jionghua Wang. Identifying the driving factors of NO2 pollution of One Belt One Road countries: Satellite observation technique and dynamic spatial panel data analysis. Environmental Science and Pollution Research.
Yun Tong, Haifeng Zhou, Lei Jiang*. Exploring the transition effects of foreign direct investment on the eco-efficiency of Chinese cities: Based on multi-source data and panel smooth transition regression models[J]. Ecological Indicators, 2021, 121: 107073.
Lei Jiang*, Yuan Chen, Haifeng Zhou, Shixiong He. NOx emissions in China: Temporal variations, spatial patterns and reduction potentials[J]. Atmospheric Pollution Research, 2020, 11(9): 1473-1480.
Lei Jiang*, Haifeng Zhou, Shixiong He. The role of governments in mitigating SO2 pollution in China: A perspective of fiscal expenditure[J]. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2020, 27(27): 33951-33964.
Lei Jiang, Shixiong He, Yuanzheng Cui*, Haifeng Zhou. Effects of the socio-economic influencing factors on SO 2 pollution in Chinese cities: A spatial econometric analysis based on satellite observed data[J]. Journal of Environmental Management, 2020, 268:110667.
Lei Jiang*, Shixiong He, Haifeng Zhou. Spatio-temporal characteristics and convergence trends of PM2.5 pollution: A case study of cities of air pollution transmission channel in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, China[J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020, 256: 120631.
Lei Jiang, Shixiong He, Xi Tian, Bo Zhang*. Energy use embodied in international trade of 39 countries: Spatial transfer patterns and driving factors[J]. Energy, 2020, 195: 116988.
Ling Bai, Lei Jiang*, Dongyang, Yang, Yaobin Liu. Quantifying the spatial heterogeneity influences of natural and socioeconomic factors and their interactions on air pollution using the geographical detector method: A case study of the Yangtze River Economic Belt, China[J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2019, 232: 692-701.
Yuanzheng Cui, Lei Jiang*, Weishi Zhang, et al. Evaluation of China's Environmental Pressures Based on Satellite NO2 Observation and the Extended STIRPAT Model [J]. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2019, 16(9), 1487.
Maoliang Bu, Shuang Li, Lei Jiang*. Foreign Direct Investment and Energy Intensity in China: Firm-Level Evidence[J]. Energy Economics, 2019, 80: 366-376. (SSCI & SCI, 3.910, 能源研究权威杂志)
Lei Jiang, Henk Folmer, Minhe Ji, & P. Zhou*. (2018). Revisiting cross-province energy intensity convergence in China: A spatial panel analysis. Energy Policy, 121, 252-263. (SSCI & SCI, 4.039,能源研究权威杂志)
Lei Jiang*, Henk Folmer, Minhe Ji, Jianjun Tang. Energy efficiency in the Chinese Provinces: A fixed effects stochastic frontier-spatial Durbin error panel analysis. The Annals of Regional Science, 2017, 58(2): 301-319. (SSCI, 1.336, 区域研究权威期刊)
Lei Jiang*, Henk Folmer, Minhe Ji. The drivers of energy intensity in China: a spatial panel data approach. China Economic Review, 2014, (31): 351-360. (SSCI, 1.800 中国经济研究权威杂志)
Zhangqi Zhong, Lei Jiang*, Peng Zhou. Transnational transfer of carbon emissions embodied in trade: Characteristics and determinants from a spatial perspective. Energy. 147, 858-875. (SCI一区, 4.968)
Lei Jiang*, Ling Bai. Revisiting the Granger Causality Relationship between Energy Consumption and Economic Growth in China: A Multi-Timescale Decomposition Approach. Sustainability, 2017, 9, 2299. (SSCI & SCI, 2.075)
Lei Jiang*, Ling Bai. Spatio-temporal characteristics of urban air pollutions and their causal relationships: Evidence from Beijing and its neighboring cities. Scientific Reports, 8(1), 1279. (SCI一区, 4.122)
Lei Jiang*. Haifeng Zhou, Ling Bai, Peng Zhou. Does foreign direct investment drive environmental degradation in China? An empirical study based on air quality index from a spatial perspective. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2018, 176: 864-872. (SCI, 5.651)
Yuanzheng Cui, Lei Jiang*, Weishi Zhang, et al. Evaluation of China's environmental pressures caused by NO2 pollution: Satellite-based data and extended STIRPAT model[J]. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2019, 16(9), 1487. (SSCI, 2.145)
Lei Jiang, Minhe Ji*. China’s energy intensity, determinants and spatial effects. Sustainability, 2016, 8(6): 544. (SSCI & SCI, 2.075)
Lei Jiang*, Henk Folmer, Maoliang Bu. Interaction between output efficiency and environmental efficiency: evidence from the textile industry in Jiangsu Province, China. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2015, 113: 123-132. (SCI, 5.651)
Lei Jiang. Energy efficiency in China: measurement and policy. University of Groningen, 2015. ISBN: 978-90-367-8220-3.(专著)
Lei Jiang, Minhe Ji*, Ling Bai. Characterizing China’s energy consumption with selective economic factors and energy resource endowment: a spatial econometric approach. Frontiers of Earth Science, 2015, 9(2): 355-368. (SCI, 1.096)
姜磊,陈星宇,朱竑*. 中国城市养老院的空间分布特征及空间分异成因分析[J].地理学报, 2021, 76(8):1951-1964.
殷江滨, 李尚谦, 姜磊, 程哲, 黄晓燕*, 路改改. 中国连片特困地区非农就业增长的时空特征与驱动因素[J]. 地理学报, 2021, 76(6): 1471-1488.
姜磊, 何世雄, 崔远政*. 中国二氧化硫污染治理分析:基于卫星观测数据和空间计量模型的实证[J].环境科学学报, 2021, 41(03):1153-1164.
姜磊. 中国省域连锁餐饮的技术效率评价及因素分析[J]. 旅游学刊, 2021, 36(03):44-56.
姜磊, 何世雄, 崔远政*. 中国二氧化硫污染治理分析:基于卫星观测数据和空间计量模型的实证[J].环境科学学报, 2021, 41(03):1153-1164.
姜磊*,何世雄,崔远政. 基于空间计量模型的氮氧化物排放驱动因素分析:来自卫星观测数据[J].地理科学, 2020, 40(3): 364-373.
姜磊*,周海峰,柏玲. 基于空间计量模型的中国城市化发展与城市空气质量关系的研究[J]. 热带地理,2019, 39(3): 461-471.
姜磊, 柏玲, 吴玉鸣. 中国省域经济、资源与环境协调分析——兼论三系统耦合公式及其扩展形式[J].自然资源学报,2017, 32(5): 779-790.
姜磊*,周海峰,赖志柱等. 中国城市PM2.5时空动态变化特征分析:2015-2017年[J].环境科学学报,2018, 38(10): 3816-3825.
姜磊,周海峰,王祖静*. 中国城市空气质量指数(AQI)的时空动态变化特征:2015-2016年[J]. 经济地理,2018. 38(9): 87-95.
钟章奇,姜磊*,何凌云,王铮. 基于消费责任制的碳排放核算及全球环境压力分析[J].地理学报,2018, 38(3): 442-459.
柏玲,姜磊*,周海峰,陈忠升. 长江经济带空气质量指数的时空特征及驱动因素分析——基于贝叶斯空间计量模型的实证[J].地理科学,2018, 38(12): 2100-2108.
姜磊*,周海峰,柏玲等. 外商直接投资对空气污染影响的空间异质性分析——以中国150个城市空气质量指数(AQI)为例[J].地理科学,2018, 38(3): 351-360.
姜磊,周海峰,柏玲,陈忠升*. 空气质量指数(AQI)的社会经济影响因素分析——基于指数衰减效应视角[J].环境科学学报,2018, 38(1): 390-398.
柏玲*,姜磊,刘耀彬. 长江城市群环境压力的时空异质性分析:以工业SO2排放为例[J].经济地理,2017, 37(3): 174-181.
姜磊*,周海峰,柏玲. 长江中游城市群经济-城市-社会-环境耦合度空间差异分析[J].长江流域资源与环境,2017, 26 (5): 649-656.
2018年省社科联第四届学术年会(第二批)优秀论文奖。题目: “全球贸易隐含能源空间转移的演化特征及地缘结构分析”。
“Energy Policy” (SSCI & SCI), “Energy Economics” (SSCI), “Energy” (SCI), “Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews”, “China Economic Review” (SSCI), “Journal of Cleaner Production” (SCI), “Journal of Environmental Planning and Management” (SSCI) , “Regional Environmental Change” (SSCI),“Atmospheric Environment”(SCI), “Emerging Markets Finance and Trade”(SSCI),“Environment, Development and Sustainability”(SCI),“Atmospheric Pollution Research”(SCI)英文学术期刊匿名审稿人