





职务/职称:助理教授 邮箱:jxqian@hku.hk  





  • 城市公共空间研究

  • 城市地理

  • 社会文化地理

  • 文化经济地理


  • 2006/09-2010/06,中山大学,地理科学与规划学院城市与区域规划系,学士,导师:朱竑教授、Werner Breitung 教授

  • 2010/10-2013/09,The University of Edinburgh, Institute of Geography and theLived Environment, School of GeoSciences,博士,导师:Jane M Jacobs 教授、Tom Slater 博士,Eric Laurier 博士

  • 2014/05-2015.12,华南师范大学,人文地理系,副教授

  • 2016/01-2017/01,新加坡管理大学 博士后研究员

  • 2017/01-至今 香港大学 地理系 助理教授


  1. Pre-emptive Retention Fund (for the purchase of data and archives), The University of Hong Kong, 2019-2022, HK$250,000, Principal Investigator

  2. China’s emerging geographies of religion: Market culture and the making of entrepreneurial religion in Mahayana Buddhism (Principal Investigator, Hong Kong Research Grants Council – General Research Fund, Project No. 17604319, HK$ 728,102, 2019-2022)

  3. Geographies of religion: market culture and the making of entrepreneurial religion in Chinese Buddhism (Principal Investigator, Seed Fund for Basic Research, The University of Hong Kong, HK$ 56,000, 2018-2019)

  4. 云南省人事厅-西南林业大学客 座研究人员经费,民族地区的本土现代化路径研究,40 万元,主持人

  5. 国家自然科学基金,本土技术创新的文 化机制和空间过程:文化经济地理学的视角,57.5 万元,主持人]

  6. Rural Renaissance and Reconstruction Movement in China: culture-based intervention, post- rurality, planetary urbanisation. (Principal Investigator, Hui Oi Chow Trust Fund, HK$ 85,000, 2018-2020).

  7. The Shanzhai (Copycat) Phenomenon and Grassroots Innovation in China’s Consumer Electronics Industry: A Cultural Economic Geography Approach. (Principal Investigator, Seed fund for basic research, The University of Hong Kong, No. 201703159004, HKD 14,8000, 2017- 2019).

  8. 国家自然科学基金,转型期中国城市公共空间的空间实践与社会 建构:以广州为例,23 万元,主持人]

  9. 广东省自然科学基金, 建构主义视角下城市公共空间的意义与实践:基于广州市三个社会群体的研究,10 万元, 主持人]

  10. 广东省教育厅青年创新人才项目,转型期广州市城市公共空间的社会建构,6 万元,主持人



  1. Qian JX, Florence E. Migrant worker museums in China: public cultures of migrant labor in state and grassroots initiatives. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies (special issue article)

  2. Gao Q, Qian JX (corresponding author). Migrant workers in an era of religious revival: industrial capitalism, labour and Christianity in Shenzhen. The China Quarterly (online first, 2019)

  3. Qian JX. 2020. Geographies of public space: variegated publicness, variegated epistemologies. Progress in Human Geography, 44(1): 77-98

  4. Qian, JX, Wei, L. 2020. Development at the edge of difference: rethinking capital and market relations from Lugu Lake, Southwest China. Antipode, 52(1): 246-269

  5. Qian JX, Lu YH. 2019. On the trail of comparative urbanism: square dance and public space in China. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, NS, 44(4): 692-706

  6. Yin D, Qian JX, Zhu H. 2019. Frontier development in the midst of ecological civilization:

  7. unravelling the production of maca in Yunnan, China. Geoforum, 106: 144-154

  8. 7. Qian JX., Guo JWG. 2019. Migrants on exhibition: the emergence of Migrant Worker Museums in China as a neoliberal experiment on governance. Journal of Urban Affairs, 41(3): 305-323

  9. Qian JX, Tang XQ. 2019. Theorising small city as ordinary city: rethinking development and urbanism from China’s southwest frontier. Urban Studies, 56(6): 1215-1233

  10. Qian, JX. 2019. Redeeming the Chinese modernity? Zen Buddhism, culture-led development, and local governance in Xinxing County, China. Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space, 51(1): 187-205

  11. Kong, L., Qian, JX. 2019. Knowledge circulation in urban geography/urban studies, 1990- 2010: testing the discourse of Anglo-American hegemony through publication and citation patterns. Urban Studies, 56(1): 44-80

  12. Gao Q, Qian JX (corresponding author), Yuan Z. 2018. Multi-scaled secularization or postsecular present? Christianity and migrant workers in Shenzhen, China. Cultural Geographies, 25(4): 553-570

  13. Qian JX. 2018. The possibilities of cosmopolitan dialogue. Dialogues in Human Geography, 8(2): 138-142

  14. Qian JX, Kong L. 2018. When secular universalism meets pluralism: religious schools and the politics of school-based management in Hong Kong. Annals of the American Association of Geographers, 108(3): 794-810

  15. Qian JX, Kong L. 2018. Buddhism Co. Ltd? Epistemology of religiosity, and the re-invention of a Buddhist monastery in Hong Kong. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 36(1): 159-177.

  16. Wei L, Qian JX, Sun JX. 2018. Self-orientalism, joke-work and host-tourist relations. Annals of Tourism Research, 68: 89-99.

  17. Yuan ZJ, Qian JX. Zhu H. 2017. The Xinjiang Class: Multi-ethnic encounters in an eastern coastal city. The China Quarterly, 232: 1094-1115.

  18. Yin D, Qian JX, Zhu H. 2017. Living in the “ghost city”: media discourses and the negotiation of home in Ordos, Inner Mongolia, China. Sustainability, 9(11), 2029, 1-14.

  19. Qian JX. 2017. Beyond heteronormativity? Gay cruising, closeted experiences and self- disciplining subject in People’s Park, Guangzhou. Urban Geography, 38(5): 771-794.

  20. Qian, JX, Tang, XQ. 2017. Dilemma of modernity: interrogating cross-border ethnic identities at China’s Southwest frontier. Area, 49(1): 52-59

  21. Qian, JX, Zhu, H. 2016. Writing Tibet as Han Chinese sojourners: the discourses, practices and politics of place in an era of post-reform development. The Geographical Journal, 182(4): 418-428

  22. Qian, JX, Zhu, H. 2016. Han Chinese “drifters” in Lhasa: The ambivalent cultural politics of Tibetanness amidst China’s geographies of modernity. Social & Cultural Geography, 17(7): 892-912.

  23. Qian, JX. 2015. No right to the street: motorcycle taxis, discourse production and the regulation of unruly mobility. Urban Studies, 52(15): 2922-2947.

  24. Zhu, H., Qian, JX. 2015. “Drifting” in Lhasa: cultural encounter, contested modernity and the negotiation of Tibetanness. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 105(1): 144-161.

  25. Qian, JX. 2014. Public space in non-Western contexts: practices of publicness and the socio- spatial entanglement. Geography Compass, 8(11): 834-847.

  26. Qian, JX. 2014. From performance to politics? Constructing public and counterpublic in the singing of red songs. European Journal of Cultural Studies, 17(5): 602-628.

  27. Yuan, ZJ, Qian, JX, Zhu, H. 2014. Between God and Caesar? Christianity, ethnic identity and the resistant politics in Shimenkan, China. Environment and Planning A, 46(7): 1620-1637.

  28. Zhu, H., Chen, XL, Qian, JX. 2014. Charting the development of social and cultural geography in Mainland China: Voices from the inside. Social & Cultural Geography, 15(3): 255-283.

  29. Qian, JX. 2014. Performing the public man: cultures and identities in China’s grassroots leisure class. City & Community, 13(1): 26-48.

  30. Qian, JX, Zhu, H. 2014. Chinese urban migrants’ sense of place: emotional attachment, identity formation, and place dependence in the city and community of Guangzhou, Asia Pacific Viewpoint, 55(1): 81-101.

  31. Qian, JX. 2014. Narrating the trope of abnormality: the making of closeted experiences in gay public cruising. Geoforum, 52: 157-166.

  32. Qian,JX.2014.Decipheringtheprevalenceofneighborhoodenclosureinpost-1949Chinese cities: a critical synthesis. Journal of Planning Literature, 29(1): 3-19.

  33. Qian, JX, He, SJ, Liu, L. 2013. Aestheticisation, rent-seeking, and rural gentrification amidst China's rapid urbanisation: the case of Xiaozhou village, Guangzhou. Journal of Rural Studies, 32: 331-345.

  34. Qian, JX, Qian, LY, Zhu, H. 2012. Representing the imagined city: place and the politics of difference during Guangzhou's 2010 language conflict. Geoforum, 43(5): 905-915.

  35. Qian, JX, Wei, L, Zhu, H. 2012. Consuming the tourist gaze: imaginative geographies and the reproduction of sexuality in Lugu Lake. Geografiska Annaler Series B: Human Geography, 94(2): 107-124.

  36. Qian, JX, He, SJ. 2012. Rethinking social power and the right to the city amidst China's emerging urbanism. Environment and Planning A, 44(12): 2801-2816.

  37. Qian, JX, Qian, LY, Zhu, H. 2012. Subjectivity, modernity and the politics of difference in a peri-urban village in China: towards a progressive sense of place? Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 30(6): 1064-1082.

  38. Qian, JX, Feng, D, Zhu, H. 2012. Tourism-driven urbanization in China's small town development: a case study of Zhapo Town, 1986-2003. Habitat International, 32(1): 152-160.

  39. Qian, JX, Zhu, H, Liu, Y. 2011. Investigating urban migrants' sense of place from a multi- scalar perspective. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 31 (2): 170-183.

  40. Zhu,H,Qian,JX,Feng,L.2011.Negotiatingplaceandidentityafterchangeofadministrative 5 division. Social & Cultural Geography, 12(2): 143-158. 40. Zhu, H, Qian, JX, Gao, Y. 2011. Globalization and the production of city image in Guangzhou's metro station advertisement. Cities, 28(3): 221-229.


  1. 朱竑, 吕祖宜, 钱俊希. 文化经济地理学:概 念、理论和实践. 经济地理, 2019, 39(9): 1-11]

  2. 卢衍衡, 钱俊希. 从“熟人社会”到“生人社会”:广场舞与中国城市公共性. 地 理研究, 2017, 38(7): 1609-1624

  3. 吴寅姗, 陈家熙, 钱俊希. 流动性视角下的入藏火车旅行 研究:体验、实践、意义. 旅游学刊, 2017, 32(12): 17-27

  4. 唐雪琼, 钱俊希, 杨茜 好. 跨境流动视阈下的节庆文化与民族认同研究——中越边境苗族花山节案例. 地理科学进展, 2017, 36(9): 1081-1091

  5. 钱俊希. 宗教与现代性:基于地理学的探索. 热带地理, 2017, 37(5): 632

  6. 高權, 錢俊希. 十字架下的「農民工」:宗教、社會轉型與民工基 督徒主體性的協商. 台灣社會學刊. 2017, 61: 51-94

  7. 安宁, 钱俊希. 城市化的文学书写——基于社会—空间辩证法的 《炸裂志》解析. 人文地理, 2017, 32(1): 47-54]

  8. 尹铎, 钱俊希, 朱竑. 城市新区作为“家”的表征与实践——以鄂尔多斯康巴什新 区为例. 地理科学进展, 2016, 35(12): 1517-1528

  9. 唐雪琼, 杨茜好, 钱 俊希. 流动性视角下边界的空间实践及其意义 ——以云南省河口县中越边境地区 X 村为例. 地理 研究, 2016, 35(8): 1535-1546]

  10. 高权, 钱俊希.“情感转向”视角下地方性重构研究 ——以广州猎 德村为例. 人文地理, 2016, 31(4): 33-41]

  11. 钱俊希, 张瀚. 想象、展 演与权力:西藏旅游过程中的“他者性”建构. 旅游学刊, 2016, 31(6): 82-93

  12. 安宁, 钱俊希, 陈晓亮,朱竑. 国际上的政治地理学研究进展与启示----对《Political Geography》杂志 2005-2015 年载文的分析. 地理学报, 2016, 71(2): 217-235

  13. 魏雷,钱俊希,朱竑. 谁的真实性?泸沽湖的 旅游凝视与本土认同. 旅游学刊, 2015, 30(8): 66-76

  14. 钱俊希,何深静, 刘玉亭. 基于扬州老城实证的公房住户特征及公房改造策略研究. 南方建筑, 2015, (3): 111-118

  15. 钱俊希, 杨瑾, 朱竑. 现代性语境下地方性与身份 认同的建构——以拉萨“藏漂”群体为例. 地理学报, 2015, 70(8): 1281-1295

  16. 魏雷, 钱俊希, 朱竑. 旅游发展语境中的地方性生产—以泸沽湖为例. 华南师 范大学学报(社会科学版), 2015, 47(2): 99-109

  17. 吴炆佳,钱俊希,朱竑. 商品化民族节日中表演者的角色 认同与管理——以西双版纳傣族园泼水节为例. 旅游学刊,2015, 30(5): 55-64

  18. 钱俊希, 朱竑. 新文化地理学的理论统一性与话 题多样性. 地理研究, 2015, 34(3): 422-436

  19. 徐雨璇, 何深静, 钱俊希. 基于新制度经济学视角的学 生化社区房屋租赁现象研究——以广州南亭村为例. 人文地理, 2014, 29(4): 36-43

  20. 唐雪琼, 杨茜好, 钱俊希. 社会建构主义视角下的边界——研究综述与启示. 地理科学进展, 2014, 33(7): 969-978

  21. 钱俊希,朱竑. “非正常”的文化标签下“同志”社会空间的生产——以广州市 X 公园“同志渔场”为例. 人文地理, 2014, 29(3): 35-43

  22. 钱俊希. 地方性研究的理论视角及其对旅游研究的启示. 旅游学刊, 2013, 28(3): 5-7

  23. 袁振傑,錢俊 希,朱竑. 微觀政治視角下的宗教空間的社會與文化建構——以中國大陸威甯石門檻基督教會為 例. 地理學報(臺灣), 2013, 70: 47-67

  24. 钱俊希. 后结构主义语境下的社会理论: 米 歇尔·福柯与亨利·列斐伏尔. 人文地理 , 2013, 28(2): 45-52

  25. 何深静, 钱俊希, 刘斌, 刘玉亭. 中国城市老城区公共住房升级改造探讨. 中国名城, 2012, (10): 21-28

  26. 何深静, 钱俊希, 徐雨璇, 刘斌. 快速城市化 背景下乡村绅士化的时空演变特征. 地理学报, 2012, 67(8): 1044-1056

  27. 朱竑, 钱俊希, 吕旭萍. 城市空间变迁背景下的地方感 知与身份认同研究—以广州小洲村为例. 地理科学, 2012, 32(1): 18-24

  28. 钱俊希, 钱丽芸, 朱竑. 全 球的地方感理论评述与广州案例解读. 人文地理, 2011, 26(6): 40-44

  29. 何深静, 钱俊希, 邓尚昆. 转型期大城市多类绅士化现象探讨—基于广州市六个社 区的案例分析. 人文地理, 2011, 26(1): 44-49

  30. 何深静, 钱俊希, 吴敏华. “学生化”的城中村社区—基于广州下渡村的实证分析. 地理研究, 2011, 30(8): 1508- 1519

  31. 唐雪琼, 钱俊希, 陈岚雪. 旅游影响下少数民族 节日的文化适应与重构—基于哈尼族长街宴演变的分析. 地理研究, 2011, 30(5): 835-844

  32. ZhuHong,QianJunxi,ChenXiaoliang.Placeandidentity:therethinkofplaceofEuropean- American human geography. Human Geography, 2010, 25(6):1-6 [朱竑, 钱俊希, 陈晓亮. 地方 与认同: 欧美人文地理学对地方的再认识. 人文地理, 2010, 25(6): 1-6

  33. 朱竑, 钱俊希, 封丹. 空间象征性意义的研究进展与启示. 地理 科学进展. 2010, 29(6): 643-648

  34. 钱俊希, 朱竑. 2015. 城市性少数群体社会空间的生产——以广 州市 X 公园 “同志渔场” 为例. 许学强, 叶嘉安, 周春山, 何深静, 中国城市转型·发展·重构与规划 教育. 北京: 科学出版社, 468-479]


  1. Qian, J. 2018. Re-visioning the public in post-reform urban China: poetics and politics in Guangzhou. Singapore: Springer


  1. Qian JX, Ling J, and He SJ. Making cities and regions in globalizing East Asia. In: Orum A (ed.), Companion to Urban and Regional Studies. Oxford, Blackwell.

  2. Zhang H, Qian JX. This-worldly Buddhism: social media and religiosity in China. In: Gomes C, Kong L (eds.), Faith, flows and fellowship in global Asia: religion in the age of hypermobility and digital media. Amsterdam: University of Amsterdam Press.

  3. Qian JX. 2020. Urban citizenship. In: Kobayashi, A (ed.), Ho, ELE (Section Editor), International Encyclopaedia of Human Geography, 2nd Edition, Vol. 14, pp. 33-37. Amsterdam: Elsevier.

  4. Qian JX. 2019. Place Politics. In Orum, A (ed.), The Wiley Blackwell Encyclopaedia of Urban and Regional Studies, Vol.3, pp.1479-1483. Oxford and Chichester, UK: Wiley Blackwell.

  5. Qian JX, He, SJ. 2019. The right to the city: theoretical outline and reflections on migrants’ activism in post-reform urban China. In: T Schwanen, R van Kempen (Eds.), Handbook of Urban Geography, pp. 396-410. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar.

  6. Qian JX. 2019. Making urban public space amidst modern Chinese urbanism. In: Yep, R, Wang, J & Johnson, T. (eds.), Handbook on Urban Development in China, pp. 156-170. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar.

  7. Kong L, Qian JX. 2018. Dialogue with religious life in Asia. In: Beaumont, J (ed.), The Routledge Handbook of Postsecularity, pp. 258-268. London: Routledge.

  8. Qian JX. 2018. Towards critical urbanism: urban public space in modern China. In: M Jayne (Ed.), Chinese urbanism: critical perspectives, pp. 17-29. London: Routledge

  9. Lv ZY, Qian JX. 2018. A coffeehouse neo-tribe in the making: exploring a fluid cultural public space in post-reform Chinese urbanism. In: A Hardy et al. (Eds.), Neo-Tribes - Consumption, Leisure and Tourism, pp. 51-67. New York: Palgrave MacMillan

  10. He SJ, Qian JX. 2017. New Frontiers in Researching Chinese Cities. In: J Hannigan, G W Richards (Eds.), Handbook of New Urban Studies, pp. 462-479. London: Sage

  11. 11.QianJX.2016.Disciplinedmobilityandmigrantsubalternity:thepoliticsofmotorcycletaxis in Guangzhou. In: D G Wang, S J He (Eds.), Mobility, Sociability and Wellbeing of Urban Living, pp. 23-48. Berlin: Springer


  1. Qian JX. 2019. Review of “Learning to be Tibetan: The Construction of Ethnic Identity at Minzu University of China”, by Miaoyan Yang. In: American Journal of Sociology, 124(5): 1569-1571

  2. Qian JX. 2019. Review of “A century of change in a Chinese village: The crisis of the countryside”, by Lin Juren and Xie Yuxi. In: Eurasian Geography and Economics, 60(2): 246- 248

  3. Qian JX. 2018. Review of “Tea Production, land use politics, and ethnic minorities: Struggling over dilemmas in China’s southwest frontier”, By Po-Yi Huang. In: Journal of Borderlands Studies, 33(3): 511-512



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